Look Into Our Crystal Ball – 5 Legal Technology Predictions For 2016


One of the fun things about ending each year and starting a new one is the opportunity to analyze the achievements and advancements of previous years and turn those into predictions for the year to come. With the doors to 2015 officially closed, we look ahead to a new year in the legal industry, a year of promise, a year of growth and a year of change, especially when it comes to technology.

To start the year off with a bang, we at LiveDeposition spent some time playing fortune teller. As we pulled out our magic crystal ball, we gazed into it to see what the future would hold in terms of technology usage in the legal industry. This is what we saw:

Prediction 1#: More Attorneys Will Begin Practicing Law In Their Pajamas – Not literally of course, but in 2016 we predict more and more legal professionals will choose to work from home rather than go into the office every day. Cloud-based technology has changed the way modern law firms conduct business. Accessing and collaborating on documents, databases, client meetings, and communication can all be done online from the comfort of their very own home or office.

Prediction #2: Deposition Conference Rooms Will Become Unused Storage Areas – In 2016 we will see a major rise in the usage of remote deposition technology. Realizing that attending depositions remotely saves time, eliminates business related travel, and opens up schedules for more clients, gathering in a deposition conference room will become a thing of the past. The software available to stream depositions live has drastically changed over the years. Today’s solutions are easier to use than ever, allow realtime text streaming, live video, digital exhibit sharing, collaboration, and private group chat. As legal professionals strive to become more efficient in 2016, they will start turning to online tools and services that will allow them to do so.

Prediction #3: Wearables Will Become More Mainstream – In 2015 the trend of wearable technology skyrocketed. From activity trackers to smart watches, wearable technology made its way into almost every household. In 2016 we will see the wearable trend make its way into the legal industry and be used to make more than just a fashion statement. The smart watch will have the greatest impact and will be used by attorneys to tactfully chat with each other during a legal proceeding.

Prediction #4: Paper Will Only Be Good For Paper Airplanes – Over the last ten years businesses have moved from being paper reliant to becoming fully paperless. In 2016 this trend will play a large role in the legal industry as more and more law firms will look to save money on paper-related operations. Technology has provided lawyers with new solutions for document storage and review. Digital files can be searched faster and more accurately than a printed version, saving law firms thousands of dollars in research fees.

Prediction #5: Courtrooms Will Turn To Technology – It is no secret that courtrooms have always been one of the last to grasp on to and implement technology. In 2016 we will see a shift from the old ways as more and more courtrooms open their doors to the advantages of using technology. We will start to see mobile devices and video conferencing technology play a larger role in the courtroom as judges and legal teams use them to speed-up the legal process, as well as to create a more secure and safe environment for all parties involved.

And there you have it, LiveDeposition’s 2016 legal technology predictions!

As you know, a prediction is just a guess as to what will happen and of course, we are simply having fun and not guaranteeing anything with our predictions. We look forward to looking back at the end of 2016 to see just how accurate or inaccurate we were. Stay tuned.