Beyond the Record with Kyung Lee-Green

LiveDeposition Certified Reporter Spotlight Kyung Lee-Green

LiveDeposition Certified Reporter Spotlight


Name: Kyung Lee-Green

Title:  Certified Shorthand Reporter


Self-summary in four words:
Work less, make more


When did you begin your court reporting career?

What sparked your interest in choosing court reporting as a profession?
It was my mom who heard about court reporting. She thought it would be a good career for me. I went to an open house and thought it would be a great career.

What advice would you give students or those just entering the field of Court Reporting?
Network, network, network. Talk to as many court reporters as you can. Everyone’s experience is unique. Never be afraid to ask questions.

What is your favorite thing about being a reporter?
I love the flexibility. I love being able to work at home. I make my own schedule

As a Court Reporter, what is your worst nightmare or biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve are people who talk so fast that you can’t even understand them.

Where is the strangest place you have taken a deposition?
I’ve taken a depo in a mobile home park.

What is the funniest thing you have heard during a deposition or in the courtroom?
They were talking about floor waxing and how they prepare the floor for waxing. The attorney asked the following question:

Q Did you lay the stripper on the floor?

The attorney looked at me. I looked at him and said, yes, counsel, you said what you said, and we all burst out laughing.

When not court reporting, how do you spend your free time?
As funny as it seems, I love to read. I am a bookworm and like to read a lot of science fiction.

What do you like most about LiveDeposition?
LiveDeposition is great. I remember providing realtime with cables to laptops. It is so great to be wireless and so easy to set up. I actually get a little happy when I set up my iPad for jobs. I love the 24-hour support. The technicians are all very nice and helpful.

Anything else you would like to share?
You will get out of it as much as you put in. This is amazing career. You can travel and take depos internationally. You can work from home in your pjs. You have the power to choose.