5 Innovative Products for the Legal Industry


In today’s world run by social media and technology, where everyone has a smartphone glued to their hand, it can be hard getting your message out and being heard by your audience. What makes something stand out? What grabs your attention? There are several answers to these questions, but it mainly comes down to innovation. When something is different or when a person or product has a new idea, we are intrigued. In a fast-paced world like the legal industry, it is important to embrace innovation and new technology to help you better serve your clients. Here are some of the latest and most innovative products for legal professionals.

  1. iPad: An iPad, or any tablet really, is essential for the working legal professional. It is important to be able to research and send emails while being mobile.
  2. Legal Mobile Apps: There are apps available to help and enhance the litigation process, such as Dragon Dictation, a voice recognition application and iJuror, an app which allows you to record juror information, group responses, assess the importance of responses, rank jurors, and produce a report to review your findings.
  3. Realtime Software: More and more attorneys are requesting a live feed of the court reporter’s realtime transcript during legal proceedings. This allows the attorney to key word search, highlight, make notes, as well as annotate and read along as the proceeding is taking place. Court reporters that are not prepared to offer realtime may miss out on job opportunities, and attorneys who do not request it may be at a disadvantage in the litigation process.
  4. Streaming Software: Attending depositions and legal proceedings remotely is becoming quite common. Having a secure and reliable audio, video and realtime streaming solution, like LiveDeposition, is important. This will allow attorneys to increase billable hours and productivity by avoiding traveling.
  5. Electronic Exhibit Software: With most legal professionals owning a tablet, the road is being paved for paperless depositions. There are products and software now available that allow attorneys to mark up, make notes and share exhibits and documents electronically with both onsite and remote attendees. This not only streamlines the litigation process, but is also better for the environment.

Whether you are a court reporter or an attorney, it is important to stay educated and embrace innovative technology in the legal industry. It is growing at a very rapid rate and new advancements are always being introduced. Those that offer the latest in technology will stand out and better be able to serve their clients.