Beyond the Record with Thomas and Thomas

LiveDeposition Certified Agency Thomas & Thomas

Agency Name: 
Thomas & Thomas Court Reporting and Certified Legal Video, L.L.C.


Phone: (800) 556-6301

Location: 1321 Jones Street, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68102

Areas Served: All of Nebraska, Iowa and nationwide scheduling

Years in Business: 25

Services Provided:Court Reporting, Legal Video, Videoconferencing, Trial Services, Jury Focus Groups

Name and Title of Interviewee: John Thomas – Owner

Agency Summary in 3 Words:
Professional, accurate & friendly

What is your agency motto?
“We are Technology”

What sets your agency apart?
One call does it all. We provide all forms of court reporting and courtroom technology. We service major cities as well as rural Midwest.

What advice would you give students or those just entering the field of court reporting on how to align themselves with an agency?
Find the agency that will spend the time to train you. Money is not #1 with your first job. Find agency owners that are court reporters that can show you how to be the most productive in your court reporting life and give you the emotional support you need to get you through the first two years.

Since your agency first opened, what do you feel has changed the most in the industry?
No longer just a paper transcript!

Where is the strangest place your agency has been asked to take a deposition?
In the middle of rural Nebraska at a truck towing facility outbuilding that didn’t have a landline for a telephonic deposition. The temperature in the outbuilding was 35 degrees. The court reporter had to take questions through her cellular telephone. Not a good situation.

What is the funniest thing you or someone at your agency has heard during a deposition or in the courtroom?
This is not a funny situation. I only remember ONE time in my 40 years of court reporting of all the attorneys in the deposition room standing when the witness entered the room. His name is Warren Buffet.

What do you like most about
Experts, co-counsel and clients have the ability to participate in the deposition from their own office setting cutting down on travel and time expense.