Beyond the Record with Janice McMoran

LiveDeposition Certified Reporter Spotlight Janice McMoran

LiveDeposition Certified Reporter Spotlight


Name: Janice McMoran

Title:  Independent Realtime Reporter


Self-summary in three words:
Hard-working, dedicated, competent


When did you begin your court reporting career?
In 1982, almost 34 years ago.

What sparked your interest in choosing court reporting as a profession?
It was at a career day my senior year in high school. A woman who was speaking briefly mentioned court reporting as a career. I spoke to her afterwards and took it from there, as I had an interest in the legal profession but didn’t want to spend four years in college and another three years in law school. After all, I was young and dumb and “in love” and wanted to get married as soon as possible. I was driven and finished school in 14 months. The marriage lasted 15 years, but the career is still going strong!

What advice would you give students or those just entering the field of Court Reporting?
Be aware and talk to other reporters. We are more in control than most give us credit for. Networking with others and keeping abreast of technology is key!

What is your favorite thing about being a reporter?
Learning a lot about different topics in the different types of cases we report. While it doesn’t make us an expert in that topic, it’s nice to be able to intelligently talk about it if it ever comes up in conversation. Also, meeting up with and talking with court reporters all over the country. We are a different breed and UNDERSTAND each other!

As a Court Reporter, what is your worst nightmare or biggest pet peeve?
The continual lack of respect of the record with over-speaking and talking at an unreportable speed. I have seen a huge difference in my 34 years, enough to believe that this is something just not being taught in law school or new lawyer training anymore.

Public meetings also make me break out in hives. Not really, but almost!

Where is the strangest place you have taken a deposition?
At someone’s death bed. Really sad and really difficult to hear his almost whispered responses.

What is the funniest thing you have heard during a deposition or in the courtroom?
In a divorce case. It went something like this:

Q. Sir, how did you know your wife was having an affair?
A. Because when I entered her, it felt like a cow had stepped inside her.

Apparently the husband wasn’t quite as well-endowed as his wife’s lover!

When not court reporting, how do you spend your free time?
Spending time with family and friends, singing karaoke at the different events around town, and playing a little golf. I would like for exercise to be my passion again! I enjoy learning more about health and wellness.

What do you like most about LiveDeposition?
Its ease of use and reliability to work every single time. Customer support is always so helpful and responsive the times I have had to call when “I” happened to forget a step or had something set up wrong when I was fairly new user.

Anything else you would like to share?
Knowledge is power!! Also, be careful what you post in a large group on Facebook because you never know who is watching! Surround yourself with smart and helpful people.