Beyond the Record with California Deposition Reporters, Inc.

LiveDeposition Certified Agency California Deposition Reporters

Agency Name: California Deposition Reporters Inc.


Phone: (800) 242-1996

Location: 599 South Barranca Avenue, Penthouse Suite, Covina, CA 91723

Areas Served: Nationwide

Years in Business: 37 years

Services Provided:Court Reporting, Trials, Interpreting, Videography, Court Services

Name and Title of Interviewee: Jamie Kirk – President

Agency Summary in 3 Words:
Every Word Count

What is your agency motto?
We do not strive to only be successful but to be of value

What sets your agency apart?
American true family ran and operated small business who puts their customers first.

What advice would you give students or those just entering the field of court reporting on how to align themselves with an agency?
Be vocal and don’t be afraid to ask questions and to stand out. We love it when reporters ask us things, look for guidance and want to be part of the team and not a solo flying bird.

Since your agency first opened, what do you feel has changed the most in the industry?
Loyalty between firms and agencies as well as with reporters

Where is the strangest place your agency has been asked to take a deposition?
We did a deposition at a dog pound because the employee would not take time off of work to do the deposition.

What is the funniest thing you or someone at your agency has heard during a deposition or in the courtroom?
Two attorneys from Southern and Northern California arguing about what CODE is for a deposition.

What do you like most about
The ability to make people far away get together with a single mouse click.

Anything else you would like to share?
Live Deposition has helped us get depositions done that we were told were impossible due to time, location and scheduling. We have had attorneys break down on their way from Las Vegas to Los Angeles for a deposition and setup a Live Deposition on the fly and have him attend on his iPad at the Starbucks while the witness and opposing counsel where in our office. What would have been a rescheduled Deposition turned into a 4 hour Starbucks coffee shop completed depo.