Beyond the Record with Alderson Court Reporting

LiveDeposition Certified Agency Alderson Court Reporting, Inc.

Agency Name: Alderson Court Reporting, Inc.


Phone: (800) FOR.DEPO (800) 367-3376

Location: 1155 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036

Areas Served: Alderson is a global court reporting company

Years in Business: 78 years

Services Provided: Stenography, Videography, Transcription, Electronic Reporting, CART and Captioning, Certified Language Interpreters, Videoconferencing

Name and Title of Interviewee: Ariel I. Rayman, Esq. – Executive Director

Agency Summary in 3 Words:
Experienced, Efficient, Economical

What is your agency motto?
A Tradition of Excellence

What sets your agency apart?
Alderson has been in the court reporting business since 1938. Our client list includes the most prestigious courts, government agencies, and global law firms.

What advice would you give students or those just entering the field of court reporting on how to align themselves with an agency?
Your first year on the job is crucial. Find an agency or mentor that is going to help you improve your writing skills. Alderson offers a paid Fellowship program for newly graduated court reporters that provides mentorship and internal resources for the reporter’s first year with the company. The reporters in this program also receive full employee benefits.

Since your agency first opened, what do you feel has changed the most in the industry?
Alderson is one of the oldest court reporting companies in the country and has seen a constant change in technology throughout the years. The many capabilities of realtime services over the history of court reporting is certainly the most significant.

What do you like most about LiveDeposition?
The platform is very user-friendly. Additionally, LiveDeposition’s customer support team is always available and responsive to issues that may arise.

Anything else you would like to share?
Alderson is especially proud of its court reporters, some of whom have been with the company for over 30 years!