Beyond The Record With Kathy McHugh

LiveLitigation Certified Reporter Spotlight

Name:  Kathleen “Kathy” McHugh

Title:  Freelance Court Reporter

Certifications:  RPR, CRR, CSR-NJ, RSA, Certified LiveNote Reporter, BS in Business Administration

What is your background?  Freelancer for 35 years. I have traveled nationally and internationally for work. I have served on the PCRA Board as a Director, Secretary/Treasurer, President-Elect, President, and am currently the Immediate Past President. I currently serve on two NCRA committees.

When did you begin your court reporting career?  1981

What sparked your interest in choosing court reporting as a profession?
I was interested in the law but was not prepared to spend seven more years in school when I graduated from high school.

What advice would you give to students or those just entering the field of court reporting?
Read, newspapers, stories on the Internet, books, magazines. You never know what topics will come up in testimony.

What is your favorite thing about being a court reporter?
I love meeting new people every day, going to different locales, and the flexibility of the schedule.

As a Court Reporter, what is your worst nightmare or biggest pet peeve?
It doesn’t happen often, but constant arguing on the record. It makes the job so much harder and doesn’t accomplish anything.

Where is the strangest place you have taken a deposition?
Not strange, but exciting. I traveled to China for a deposition that went 30 minutes and I stayed for 10 additional days to travel the country.

What is the funniest thing you have heard during a deposition or in the courtroom?
Not heard exactly, but a nonparty witness appeared for his deposition in a shirt that read
“I make things up.”

When not court reporting, how do you spend your free time?
I enjoy entertaining, attending music festivals, and hosting house concerts, live music in my home with artists traveling through the area.

What do you like most about LiveLitigation?
I love the support! The technicians are so patient with my questions.

Anything else you would like to share?
As I tell students at Career Days that I attend, after 35 years I still love my job.