Read What Court Reporters Are Saying About Our
Local & Remote Litigation Event Solutions!

Ease of operation and cost savings are why we chose to go with LiveLitigation. Attorneys can remain in their office while conducting video depositions at remote locations anywhere as long as there is a high-speed internet connection.
- Thomas Olender, Owner, Olender Reporting

LiveLitigation's LocalRealtime is the best tool a reporter can use for streaming realtime text to attorneys. It works seamlessly with iOS and Android devices, as well as traditional proprietary software systems like Livenote and Summation.
- Alan Peacock, President, CAPTION IT!

By bringing together court reporting excellence and state-of-the-art technology through LiveLitigation, legal professionals have the very best the market has to offer in terms of quality and delivery of realtime transcripts.
- Kim Neeson, President, Neeson Court Reporting

LiveLitigation’s LocalRealtime is the answer for all CAT Reporters! Easy setup. Short learning curve. Full functionality with all realtime viewers, so your client can use their favored realtime receive software.
- Sandy Bunch VanderPol, Freelance Court Reporter

LiveLitigation’s LocalRealtime is positively the best local realtime device I have used. It is simple to install and connect to all mobile devices, computers, or any of the realtime receive software (Bridge, CaseView, LiveNote, etc.).
- Greta Duckett, RPR, Alabama

After three months, I gave up trying on my own to find an off-the-shelf device to offer easy realtime to my clients, without having to undergo major software upgrades. LiveLitigation's LocalRealtime has solved my problem!
- Ellen Sandles, Court Reporter, New York City

After hours and hours of researching companies that offer realtime services for court reporters, I was directed to LiveLitigation. Technology is constantly changing and can be very overwhelming. To a non-computer savvy person, real-timing can be a scary arena to enter. The ease of use of the LiveLitigation LocalRealtime Router takes away all that anxiety. Court reporters love it; judges love it; attorneys love it. If you are considering real-timing, LiveLitigation is the only way to go.
- Elora Dorini, CSR, CLR, LDCR

I have been using LiveLitigation for about six months. When looking for realtime delivery solutions, the overwhelming answer was to get LiveLitigation’s, LocalRealtime. I did, and I have never looked back. To say I am technologically challenged would be an understatement, after a brief training, I was ready to go. Probably the best thing about LiveLitigation is the price. I paid for my router my very first deposition. My clients love it and I love it.
- Janis Ferguson, RPR, CRR, Erie, PA

I love the LiveLitigation LocalRealtime Router. It makes what can be a very stressful situation less stressful. Set up in the morning is a breeze and so much quicker than setting up laptops with cables and making sure they’re all running. It’s lightened my load considerably.
- Kyung Lee-Green, CSR, CLR, Irvine, CA
After thoroughly researching all of the available platforms for remote depositions, we chose to partner with LiveLitigation because it is the most effective and secure platform in the business. Combined with our dedicated remote technicians, as active participants on every remote deposition, LiveLitigation is a perfect solution.
- Rebecca Lobl, Esq.