Paperless Electronic Exhibits For Your Litigation Events!
Easily introduce, manage and collaborate on digital exhibit
files using a computer or mobile device.
Feature Overview
ElectronicExhibits allows litigation professionals to digitally
introduce, manage, and collaborate on exhibit files from within
the LiveLitigation eSuite Platform. In addition to eliminating
the disorganization that comes with paper files, using
ElectronicExhibits also allows the storing of important
documents online in an easily accessible, organized
Multi-location Exhibit Sharing
Optimize your litigation event experience with
multi-location exhibit sharing. Whether onsite or remotely
attending, instantly upload, view, mark-up and export
digital files.
Powerful All-in-One Platform
Review electronic exhibits, receive realtime text feed and
watch live witness video all at the same time from one
simple platform.
Electronic Exhibit Stamping
Legitimize and finalize exhibits by placing onto the
exhibit an electronic stamp that includes the exhibit name
and heading, the witness name, the date and the initials of
the person submitting the exhibit.
Real-time Markup
Markup exhibits in real-time, no “pushing of files” or time
Online Digital File and Event Management
Easily view and join all upcoming litigation events from an
online dashboard. In addition to the event calendar, the
dashboard acts as a file management system where you can
upload, manage, and view digital files. -
More Information
Exhibit from a Mobile Device
View any shared digital exhibit file using a tablet or
smartphone. Upload from devices camera roll, markup, stamp,
save, submit, and export official documents to your
Easy to Use - No Extensive Training Needed
ElectronicExhibits is an easy to use cloud-based platform
that doesn’t require extensive training to use. With our
friendly 24/7 technical support and our online gallery of
videos and user guides, you will be collaborating on digital
exhibits in minutes, not hours.
Flexible Paperless Technology
No need to bring banker boxes full of mounds of paper to
depositions, trials, hearings, arbitrations, and mediations.
Digitally upload files prior to a litigation event, or
upload “on-the-fly” as the online event takes place.